Areas of knowledge
We know that hiring the right consultant is not a process that should be taken lightly. For this reason, we offer an initial accompaniment at no cost to outline an optimal route for the solution of your needs, according to your goals and budget.
In Colombia, the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) inhabits páramos, savannahs, forest edges and other places with open vegetation.
In 2015 the Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible issued the Decree 1076 as the Single Regulatory Decree of the Environmental and Sustainable Development Sector. This Decree is currently in force and it defines the environmental license as "the authorization granted by the Environmental Authority, which is competent for the execution of a project, work or activity, that according to the law and the regulations can produce serious deterioration to the natural resources or to the environment or may result in considerable or notorious modifications to the landscape; which entitles the beneficiary, to the fulfillment of the requirements, terms, conditions and obligations in order to prevent, mitigate, correct and/or compensate the environmental effects of the project, work or authorized activity ".
In addition, this Decree establishes that the Environmental License will carry implicitly all pemits, authorizations and / or concessions in order to use the natural resources that are necessary for the useful life of the project, work or activity. This license must be obtained prior to the initiation of the project and will cover the phases of construction, assembly, operation, maintenance, dismantling, final restoration, abandonment and/or termination.
In ENDÉMICA we focus on providing our clients with a continuous accompaniment during the different phases of licensing for their project, works or activities, from the previous stages of studies and analysis, operation, consulting and audit, until closure, ensuring their viability and compatibility with the environment.
We developed studies to be presented to Environmental Authorities as:
- Environmental Alternatives Diagnosis
- Environment Impact Assesment
- Permits for use of natural resources
- Species collection permit for the purpose of developing environmental studies
- Preventive archeology program
- Environmental economic valuation
- Implementation of management and monitoring plans
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Not all projects, works or activities are subject to environmental licensing, however, a large number of processes, activities and industries, require a number of environmental permits and procedures to operate.
In ENDÉMICA we carry out the environmental management you need, through studies and procedures in different environmental issues:
- Solid waste
- Chemical substances
- Atmospheric emissions
- Water discharges
- Tax Incentives
- Flora and fauna inventories
- Socioeconomic studies
- Environmental Audit
- Environmental due diligence
In the year 2010, through Decree 2372, the Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development) created the regulation for the National and Regional Systems of Protected Areas. This decision strengthened the conservation processes in Colombia and encouraged the declaration of new protected areas, based on studies that determined those sites with conservation priorities (See CONPES 3680 of 2010).
Likewise, this decree established the process needed to be taken for the declaration of protected areas, a tool that was later adopted by the Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development) in the Resolution 1125 of 2015. The latter finally became the roadmap to be used by environmental authorities in favor of the conservation of ecosystems.
In ENDÉMICA, we focus on providing full support to the processes of declaration of protected areas in all of its phases, advising environmental authorities and ensuring an accurate and complete production of information leading to well-defined conservations sites.
We carry out the following studies related to conservation processes:
- Technical documents that support the declaration of protected areas.
- Elaboration of Plans for the Management of Protected Areas.
- Technical support documents for the sustraction of parts of Protected Areas.
- Technical documents to register and Natural Reserves of the Civil Society.
- Formulation and monitoring of Local Systems of Protected Areas
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Geographic information systems (GIS) are those information systems capable of integrating, storing, editing, analyzing, sharing and displaying geographically referenced information. Specifically, GIS are tools that allow users to create interactive queries, analyze spatial information, edit data, maps, among others.
In the year 2010, the Autoridad Nacional de Licencias- ANLA, issued the Resolution 1503, by which it adopted the general methodology for the presentation of environmental studies, which included the need for the user to attach to the information presented through environmental studies an organized geographic database. The organization of the geographic database was subsequently regulated by the Resolution 1415 of 2012, which adopted an specific Geographic Storage Model, whose guidelines must be followed by whoever wishes to apply for an environmental license. Recently, in December 2016, ANLA issued an "Updated Model of Geographic Storage", through Resolution 2182 of 2016.
Accordingly, at present, any project that is filed with the Authority and that has the obligation to present geographical information such as the Environmental Assessment of Alternatives (DAA), Environmental Impact Assessment Study (EIA), Environmental Management Plan (PMA) or Report Of Environmental Compliance (ICA), must attach the geographical information in shapefile or gdb format, according to the Models of Geographic Storage adopted by the Authority.
The Geographic Database, is a collection of data organized in such a way that they can be used in applications of geographic information systems (GIS) and allows an structured storage of the information, according to specific criteria.
In ENDÉMICA, we have highly trained professionals who will develop the Geodatabase with all the guidelines requested by ANLA and that will allow a greater effectiveness in the process of your environmental license. In addition, we develop unique systems for each project, according to the particular needs that our clients present to us, including the elaboration of basic and thematic geodatabases to meet the requirements of ANLA or any environmental corporation, advisory for the data management of projects using georeference data, among others.
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According to recent studies, the sun radiates in an hour an amount of energy greater than that used on the whole planet for a year. In the same way, the different renewable resources available are currently underutilized.
The global energy model, as we know it today, is being displaced by leaps and bounds. The models of self-generation are setting strong trends and the projection is that, gradually, the electric networks that today carry the energy, will be displaced by a society that produces its own energy, through the use of renewable resources such as solar, wind or hydraulics.
In Colombia, a great deal of legislative effort has been made in recent years to adapt to the aforementioned trend. Law 1715 of 2014 promotes the development and use of unconventional sources of energy, especially those of a renewable nature. In addition, it grants tax incentives to these generation projects and regulates the self-generators.
Through our technical partners and investors, we are able to develop photovoltaic (solar panels), wind and hydroelectric projects, with which we guarantee a stable and economic generation of energy.
In addition, we have a portfolio of small-scale hydroelectric projects, generating investment options that promote sustainable development. Our extensive experience in this type of projects allows us to advise you to legalize your generation project, by requesting a study permit, registration with UPME, among others.
Download here some documents that may be of your interest (In Spanish)
In ENDÉMICA, innovative solutions are presented as a unique consulting option in Colombia; we combine the knowledge of our internal specialists, with those external to us, in order to carry out any type of innovative solution for any of our clients. We are able to achieve this, because we belong to the scientific community and throughout our years we have built a network of specialist collaborators that allow us to develop any type of activity.
One of the aspects we have worked hard on is the use of molecular (genetic) tools to answer questions of an ecological type, including, for example, distribution, abundance and migration routes of any animal and plant species. The great advantage of this application is that it allows us to answer ecological questions objectively, without the need of long periods of field sampling, reducing the costs for our clients.
Additionally, we have worked on the development of mathematical models that allow us to predict any type of pattern in nature, such as determining flow behavior in a stream, tree mortality due to drought, growth patterns of different species of trees of commercial and/or conservation interes, rates and routes of expansion of different diseases transmitted by an animal vector, among many others.
We know that all questions have an answer and as scientific consultants, we have a network of researchers, who remain alert to find the solution to each of the particular problems that may be presented to you as a client. All of these is done using tools that meet the cost-benefit commitment.
The eastern plains (Llanos orientales) region is, form a geological perspective, one of the youngest regions of Colombia. Accordingly it still requires time for species to develop adaptation processes generating species endemisms.